Windows XP faster

 Often we complain windows running slow, start a long, long shutdown. Our friend suggested to use special software that allows Windows XP run faster and optimized. The software might be nice, but usually not free and require high computer specs. With these tips we do not need to install any additional software to accelerate the performance of Windows XP.

There are following ways to make windows xp faster :

1. Using the NTFS file system

If you have recently installed windows xp, use the NTFS file system. NTFS system files more quickly accessible and scandisknya also very fast. Do not use FAT, unless you want to be able to access the hard disk in Windows 98 without additional software. Windows 98 can access NTFS files with additional software: ntfs-reader or NTFS98.

2. Selecting startup programs that need

This section should always be checked by you, because if it contains a virus / spyware / malware, your computer is so slow. To open this startup, run the START -> RUN, type msconfig, open the startup tab.

It was here seen all the programs that run at startup. You can check one by one dihardware file, located in what folder. If you have time, right-click the file, see its properties, continue to see the version and who the maker. If from Microsoft or other sources that you believe is safe. If there are unnecessary programs, remove the check in lines that would be disabled.

3. Turning off unnecessary services

Still in the msconfig window, open the Services tab. It is a service that automatically run windows on startup. There are some services that are not necessary and should be turned off, namely:

    * Automatic Live Update Scheduler. This service if you do not want automatic updates windows, or your computer is not connected to the Internet at all.
    * Error Reporting Service. If you ever see the window contents "error occurred ...." There continue to send or do not send option. That is the order of this service. We usually choose the "do not send, so this service should be turned off.
    * Live Update, together with Automatic Live Update Scheduler.
    * Automatic Updates, together with Automatic Live Update Scheduler.
    * Remote Desktop Help Manager. Used to help you if you have any difficulties or errors in the windows, you can ask your friends to access your computer remotely (internet). If you never wear it, this service should be turned off.
    * Remote Registry. To access the registry (the file settings windows) from a distance. Should be turned off.
    * Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS). This is only used if the computer you are using UPS, which is a useful tool to store electrical energy when the power goes out. Disable this service if you do not use UPS.
    * Event Log.Windows record all logs of what happened in windows. If you never use the event logs (in the Control Panel -> Administrative Tools), then this service may be turned off.
    * Windows Audio. May be turned off if your computer without a sound card.

4. Minimize the visual effect

Open the Start Menu -> Control Panel -> System Properties. Open the Advanced tab. Click on the Performance setting. In the Visual effects tab select Adjust for Best Performance. Then check the option Use visual styles for windows and buttons to keep your windows look like Windows XP.

5. Setting the optimal virtual memory

Open the Start Menu -> Control Panel -> System Properties. Open the Advanced tab. Click on the Performance setting. Click the Advanced tab. At the bottom there is the option Virtual Memory, click on the words Change. Use a custom size. Fill with:

Minimum: 2048 MB

Maximum: 4000 MB

6. Edit Registry

To open this startup, run the START -> RUN, type regedit,

double click at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\MenuShowDelay (value data = 50)

and double click at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WaitToKillAppTimeout (value data = 0)

7. Scan and Defragment regularly

Scan (once a week) and Defragment (once a month) your hard drive regularly. Open windows explorer, right click on your hard drive, select Properties. Open the tools tab. Select error checking to run a scan disk, and select the defragmentation to download Defragment the hard drive.

After doing these steps would be faster windows xp

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