BlackBerry Losing Competitiveness with Touch Screen Smartphone

First BlackBerry dominate market share because its success presenting new technologies with a variety of features to consumers around the world. However, in recent years this position has ever been replaced as quickly many vendors cram smartphone sailing touch.

Yes, the touch cruise smartphone users are increasingly growing. It makes the existence of a smartphone with a physical keyboard is nearing his end.

Reported by the Huffington Post, Friday (27/9/2013), almost all types of devices are present, such as Smartphones, tablets, media player, and others provided with a touch screen. The ability to move objects with a touch on the screen makes everyone loved it, including seniors and children.

So, like the don't like the success of Apple and handset giant Samsung as worldwide in presenting smartphone touch more sailing to squeeze positions a BlackBerry. In fact, a few years ago the keyboard and trackball on the device origin Canada company that became the mainstay of gadget lovers.

But what power, a fact that makes the BlackBerry is hitting from the heart that consumers are hungry for updates. Surefire manufactures BlackBerry smartphone finally sailing touch on BlackBerry series 10 (W 10).

The company hopes to return big grab consumers who have started to slowly turn to the liver to its competitors. But her dream has been thwarted, see sales BlackBerry 10 unsatisfactory. Yes, it is quite sad to see classmates BlackBerry smartphone giant can be dropped so easily.

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