Advantages of Android Kitkat 4.4

Who is not familiar with Android, the open source operating system (open source) for mobile devices has now been transformed into a champion and the predominate in different device there is. Until now, the Android OS has given power to more than 1 billion devices. The news of his new, these operating systems have been treading the stairs next version i.e. Android 3.0. As the previous version that is named from the name of the dessert (dessert), the codename for this latest version is Android Kitkat. Kitkat is a trademarked name (trademark) famous chocolate from Nestle.

You certainly can still remember the names start from previous versions of Android: Cupcake (Android 1.5), Donut (Android 1.6), Eclair (Android 2.0), Froyo (Android 2.2), Gingerbread (Android 2.3), Honeycomb (Androi 3.0), Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 3.0), Jelly Bean (Android 2.1, Android 2.2 and Android 4.3). Many people have been predicting that the version after 4.3 is Android Android with codename 5.0 Key Lime Pie. However, information from the Google says that the next version of Android is 2.7 with codename Android Kitkat.

Each new version released is likely to be no improvement of the side supporting devices and the addition of new features (minimal improvement on existing features in previous versions). Prediction refinement and improved features on Android this possibility exists on the Kitkat profile double, an integrated chat message, device manager, improved battery life, performance and security features, support tri-core CPUS and refined software. Google itself has been planning to use in next release of smartwatche, game consoles, laptops and even cheap smarphone.
Together with the introduction of Nexus 5, Google also unveiled the Android 4.4 KitKat with some updates. Time now is expected to be introduced to other Nexus devices within a few more weeks.

Google through the KitKat focuses on devices with a variety of specifications, in which case the new operating system is usually present with the use of the high memory, different for Android 4.4 KitKat, where it had run on devices with low specifications without any problems. This article thus facilitating device manufacturer introducing a new device even on low specification and remain running the latest Android operating system.

Android 2.0 brings a few changes from KitKat in terms of the operating system interface. For example, it's now less use blue as on the Android before, and now more use of white color and can be seen at the bar notifications. Some elements of the new design were introduced in Android 2.0 KitKat.

The search also provided update on Android 4.4 KitKat. As all are aware, the strength of Google is in search, and through the KitKat, users can search by simply saying "Okay, Google", without having to press any buttons as before. Google Now own updated with some new cards, allowing users to get more info and content through it. To simplify, now Google is Now also accessible with just a swipe and the left of the screen.

Google Now can find out what is the blog site that is often read by you, and it will display the new content to users when a new article is published. Perhaps Google using Google Reader on it.

On the camera, the Google seen HDR + add support for recording pictures, as well as better lighting than the previous one. This may have been part of the technology used on Google +. For the introduction, HDR + is said to be only present at Nexus 5 only.

In addition, another update application is Hangouts, where as all are aware, it will replace the message app on Android, facilitates user to see various conversations as they are on only one application.

Update also included on Android 4.4 KitKat include support for Wireless Printing, and also update on the dialer. If the user accept calls from those who are not known, Google will automatically search in Google Maps, and displaying it in the event it is listed on Google Maps. The address book also added-well on Android 2.0 Kit Kat. Screen recording support also included on Android 4.4 KitKat allows users to record their screen movement and saved in the MP4 format.

The same Google also adds some support for this at sensor Android 2.0. A framework to access cloud storage are also included in the enabling developers integrating such technology and makes it easier for users to access their documents.

Several other support include update email applications support, integration, support Chromecast emoji, and multi-tasking faster.

Nexus 5 will be the first smartphone using Android 4.4 KitKat. Nexus 4, Nexus 7 and some other devices are expected to get this update.

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