How to troubleshoot And fix the Error or broken Laptop Keyboard

How to troubleshoot And Fix Laptop Keyboard Error, corrupted and not functioning-Keyboard laptop is a hardware or computer hardware that works for entering the word or as a keyboard. But it is also vulnerable laptop keyboard is damaged, error or not functioning, it is caused because of several things, one of them because the keyboard is dirty laptop exposed the presence of dust or damage to the software.

Laptop keyboard is a very hardware in need, because without the keyboard of a computer or laptop is not running optimally. But if you damage a laptop keyboard, error, or buttons do not work, do not used to be brought to a place of service computer, because this time I will share the powerful ways of overcoming And Fix Laptop Keyboard Error, corrupted and not functioning.

Well here are a few ways to address the Laptop Keyboard Error, damaged or not functioning.

1. Restart your computer or Laptop
The main steps you should do is restart the laptop, because with restarted laptop it can fix some of the problems are in the laptop's natural. Not only does damage to the keyboard that requires you to restart the laptop first, however if the laptop is experiencing a hang or other damage, we also need to take action to restart before doing any other action.

2. Problematic Drivers
Laptop keyboard error can also be caused by the driver himself, whether it has not been installed or is there any other software which is exposed to the virus, so make a laptop keyboard damage. Well to be able to fix this, first look at the device manager, and then navigate to the section of the keyboard. Well if the keyboard itself there is a yellow triangle sign, meaning drivers laptop you are having problems or have not been installed.

To fix it, please download the appropriate driver type and brand of laptop you have, install the driver until completely installed with good and true.

3. Cable/Connector is Loose
The next step, you will need to check the laptop connector, if the connector apart or not installed properly. Then this can cause not the proper functioning of your laptop or even your laptop you are not detected at all.

To fix it, try to open the keyboard and check and make sure if the keyboard connector is mounted properly and correctly.

4. Do a System Restore
If after installing the operating system, then the laptop keyboard error or do a system restore is not working. Because by doing system restore laptop you will return as before to install some programs that are having problems. Therefore always backing up some important data, before you perform any other actions. Now for how to restore, first open or click the Start button, then locate the "Recovery". This you can do for the operating system windows 7, windows 8, windows 10 and if your computer or laptop using windows xp use the following way Start All programs Accesories > > > > System Tools and select System Restore.

5. Clean the Dust
A problem that often occurs due to damaged laptop keyboard, error is the presence of dirt or dust that stuck to the keyboard itself. Therefore you have to clean and remove dust that stuck to the keyboard.

Use a cloth or a small vacuum cleaner to clean any dirt or dust that stuck to the keyboard.

That's some of the things the way Powerful Resolve And fix the Laptop Keyboard Error, corrupted and not functioning, by performing the steps above, the laptop keyboard you will be back to normal and functioning as before. Thank you

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