Take Advantage of The Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Typing

When typing, using a variety of shortcuts in Windows will speed up the typing. Yet many Windows users who have not mastered a variety of shortcuts. Well, to help Windows user to type quickly, we show various Windows shortcuts which can be tried and applied to a variety of daily activities. Come on, we try. 
1. Shortcut keys that are associated with applications and the Windows on Windows
  • Press the Windows key (key on the keyboard with Windows/aka "Winkey") + D to minimize all Windows and show the desktop application. Press the shortcut again to reopen all Windows applications.
  • Press and hold the Winkey + a coma to see a desktop for a moment. Off this shortcut to return to the application window.
  • Press Winkey + left arrow button or the arrow buttons + Winkey to right to put the application window is being opened to the left or right of the screen.
  • Press Winkey + button arrow down or arrow keys + Winkey upwards to zoom out or zoom in the application window is open. This shortcut can also be used to place the application window to the top or bottom of the screen if the application window is placed on the left or right of the screen via a shortcut earlier.
  • Press Ctrl + Esc to bring up the Start Menu.
2. Shortcut associated with typing (valid in the application document editor like Notepad, Wordpad, or Microsoft Word and others)
  • Press the key Ctrl + arrows to the right or press the keys Ctrl + arrow to the left to shift the cursor position by as much as one word to the right or one word to the left.
  • Press Ctrl + down arrow, or press the Ctrl key + arrow up to shift the position of the cursor to the end of a paragraph or to the beginning of the paragraph.
  • Press the key Ctrl + Z or Ctrl + Y to cancel or repeat any action typing (as long as supported by the application).
3. Shortcut associated with virtual desktop
  • Press Winkey + Ctrl + Winkey + D or Ctrl + F4 to bring up or closing the virtual desktop.
  • Press Winkey + Ctrl + arrow keys left or Winkey + Ctrl + right arrow button to move to different virtual desktops.
  • Press Winkey + Tab and then release the button to display all virtual desktops. We can use the arrow keys to select the desired virtual desktop and use the Tab key to highlight virtual desktop (to switch from Windows applications to a Windows virtual desktop). To log on to a virtual desktop that is desired, we can press the Enter key.
4. Shortcut associated with your browser (browser)
  • Press the Alt + D to put the cursor in the address bar (address bar) browser.
  • Press the Ctrl + W or Ctrl + T to close or open browser tabs.
  • Press the key Ctrl + Shift + T to open back the last browser tabs that are already closed.
  • Press Ctrl + plus (+) button or press the keys Ctrl + minus (-) key to zoom in (zoom in) and zoom out (zoom out) a web page that is being visited. To return the display to the default conditions, press Ctrl + 0 (zero).
  • Press Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + Tab for switching browser tabs ranging from left to right or from right to left.
  • Press the Alt + right arrow or the Alt key + arrow to the left to explore the back links or websites visited before. This is the same shortcut function buttons Forward and Back in your browser.
5. Shortcuts related to locking Windows and computer outages
  • Press Winkey + L to quickly lock your PC.
  • Press the key Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager.
  • Press the Alt + F4 to close the application window is open. If worn while we are on the desktop, this will display the shortcut menu of the Shut Down Windows. 

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