How to Facebook on Android so more Efficient Bandwidth

Facebook has a lot of interesting features that are automatically active so as to maximize its functionality. The effects of internet data, fields become larger so that its use is becoming more wasteful. Fortunately, there are some features that can be turned off manually so that internet data usage becomes more efficient.  
Here's how:

1. Enable Data Saver
Open Facebook, press More marked with striped icon in the upper right side. Scroll down and find the option Data Savers who are in the category Help & Settings. Press and a new page will appear. Next turn on this feature by turning it to the position On.

2. Wi-Fi connection
Underneath there is also the option Always turn off Data Saver on Wi-Fi. You can turn on or turn it off. We recommend that you turn off in order to use Facebook more maximum when using a Wi-Fi connection.

3. Turn off the sound
In addition to Data Savers feature, you can also disable autoplay of the video. From the main Menu, go to options More. Scroll down and find the choice of App Settings. Turn off on a selection of Videos in News feeds Start With Sound and Sounds in the App.

4. Turn off autoplay
Continuing with the scroll down and find the option Autoplay. Press Autoplay, after going to the new Menu, you can specify the option to turn it off while using data connection, Wi-Fi, or select Never Autoplay Videos.

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